Wednesday, April 30, 2014

No Letter, No Lunch

On friday, we will convene our final class at the Olympic Sculpture Park at 1:30.  I will bring more than enough food for everyone, so please arrive hungry.  I only ask that you bring something to drink and an end-of-semester letter.  Instructions are as follows:

At Semester’s End...
For your final assignment, please compose a letter that reflects upon your accomplishments over the past semester and year.  

Your letter should consist of four paragraphs:
  1. A characterization of your overall performance this semester.  What are the topics and skills that you developed?
  2. A consideration of the strengths and weaknesses of one of our major assignments (Avant Garde Pamphlet, Harlem Renaissance Wiki, and Retrospective Project).
  3. Describe one topic of our discussion that continues to resonate with you.
  4. Explain how you see your general education requirement fitting into your disciplinary work at Cornish over the next four years.

Write formally, but personally - between you and me [Dear Alex,].  It does go in your permanent file, but most importantly, I use your ideas to structure my own evaluation that is delivered to your department chair.  You should strive to be confident and convincing, but also honest about your learning process this semester.  Rather than describe what you did, think about how you did it.  What kind of effort did you put in?  What aspect of your work was most successful?  How can you improve upon it?  Feel free to discuss your work as a student more generally at Cornish, but focus most attention on this class.

Your letter is due on Friday at 1:30, with no exceptions.

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