Questions will be asked without questions. There may be
times of boredom. Bars will be on campus. There will be no routine
or repetition of anything. Repetition of anything. Screens will
fade away. There will "too" cold and "too" warm
people. There will be no student life centers, only student lives.
Lack of energy will not exist; sleep will not be necessary. Masks will be
removed and souls will be exposed. Art students will become the norm.
Life as we know will be burnt to the ground, but we learn how to rebuild
ourselves. Plants will bloom as we walk down the streets. Statues
will proliferate, monuments to long-dead founders. There will be ropes
for climbing. A fourth dimension will liberate us from the constraints of
time and space. Students will not talk about things they thought about,
but rather talk as they think. Things need to be random. Loud
noises will exist together, never alone. Translators to understand dogs
will exist. All rooms will actually be room temperature. Structure
and continuous scheduling is exhausting. Students can name things
whatever they want and change the name whenever they want. Everyone will
understand their place and feel free to transgress it. There will be very
cool shoes. Food will all be flash frozen in the manner of the future.
A grade will not be given Wibbly wobbly timey whimeyness will be an
ever flux-show-waiting process that goes faster than we sometimes think.
The Cafe will have a quiet hour. Art will be only be an extension
of yourself, it will be you. Everyone will be an existentialist and
question the unknown. There will be flowers. The coffee will be the
universal topic of complaint We will declare interludes. There will
be no silence. Everyone should have pet unicorns. Projects will
only imitate the past with appropriate intention. We will no longer have
TV & trash. All teachers will be students too.